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How We Master Concrete Reinforcement & Refractory

Concrete reinforcement for the construction industry

Goonvean Fibres are reputable for mastering concrete reinforcement and refractory using quality fibres as ingredients. Fibres help improve the durability, strength, and performance of concrete and are typically known in the construction industry as FRC (fibre-reinforced concrete).    Concrete is one of the toughest construction materials that is found almost everywhere, on driveways, pavements, and

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The Types of Fibre Manufacturing Processes

fibre manufacturing processes

In this blog, we take a look behind the scenes at fibre manufacturing and its different types of processes. There are several methods for manufacturing fibres, with different chemical and mechanical processes. Natural fibres derive from plants and animals, but they are also used to enhance the characteristics of synthetic fibres. In this blog, we

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What is Hemp & What is it Used For?

What is hemp and what is it used for

Hemp fibres are used worldwide in manufacturing for several commercial applications, from paper to textiles, clothing, paint, insulation, and biodegradable plastics. Hemp was first used to make fibres over 50,000 years ago, perhaps longer, and it has a wide range of characteristics that has seen it through to be one of the most popular natural

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The Pros & Cons of Polyester

Pros and cons of polyester

Synthetic fibres have been around since the early 1920s’ and slowly evolved as scientific formulas replicated to create affordable alternatives to natural fibres. Some of the most popular synthetic fibres include polyester, nylon, viscose rayon, olefin, and spandex. Unlike natural fibres that come from plants and animals (such as cotton and hemp), synthetic fibres are

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The Advantages of Using Polypropylene Fibres & Powders

Polypropylene powders

Polypropylene is a type of plastic first synthesised in the 1950s’. It has been widely used for injection moulding and fibre applications to improve products such as ropes, carpets, upholstery, and clothing. The global demand for polypropylene generated an annual market of approximately 74 million metric tons in 2020. Around 30 per cent of this was consumed

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Goonvean Fibres Assist Manufacturing Clients with Product Development

Product development projects

At Goonvean Fibres, we work closely with our clients to ensure the utmost satisfaction. We carry out a number of research and development projects, communicating directly with our clients by hosting regular meetings both in-person and virtually, to help them with their manufacturing processes. The team at Goonvean Fibres is highly reputed for their knowledge,

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Green Manufacturing: The Advantages of a Sustainable Business

Growth and business sustainability

Manufacturing is a vital component of the economy. The sector employs over 2.5 million people across the UK and has wages 15 per cent higher than the national average. Overall, the manufacturing sector is responsible for around 45 per cent of all UK exports. Despite these positives, the sector is also responsible for carbon emissions and

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Things You Need to Know About Keratin

Did you know that keratin is present in everyday personal care products? We manufacture quality milled keratin for the cosmetics and personal care industry. Keratin is a type of protein and a key structural component that makes up our hair, skin, and nails. The protein is also present in our organs and glands. What is

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The Benefits of Aramid Fibres

Aramid fibres used in bicycle tyres

Aramid fibres are high-performance fibres used by a range of industries because of their excellent physical and chemical properties. From manufacturing body and vehicle armour for the military and defence industry to making bicycle tyres and marine ropes, aramid fibres are truly versatile. Aramid fibres are also used in aerospace and marine engineering and as

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Eco-Friendly Manufacturing: Top Tips to Increase Your Sustainability

Eco-friendly manufacturing company

Businesses are becoming greener and more sustainable as concerns over climate change grow. There are many advantages to sustainable manufacturing, and not only will it help the planet, but it also modernises businesses.  Buyers are now on the hunt for sustainable products and services so they can commit to sustainability and adopt green policies and

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