Goonvean Fibres Assist Manufacturing Clients with Product Development

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Product development projects

At Goonvean Fibres, we work closely with our clients to ensure the utmost satisfaction. We carry out a number of research and development projects, communicating directly with our clients by hosting regular meetings both in-person and virtually, to help them with their manufacturing processes.

The team at Goonvean Fibres is highly reputed for their knowledge, acute attention to detail, and ability to address issues and find rapid, quality solutions. Recently, we have been working hard to help develop new and existing production processes for clients from several industries.

We have several avenues available for new and existing clients and can help in ways that aren’t solely focused on manufacturing raw materials. We can offer scalability to clients looking to mass-produce their products, offer testing and research and development, partner with existing customers to further develop their products as well as our own, and offer high-quality solutions and results to clients according to their exact specifications.

To ensure that our experts meet our client’s specifications, we use PPAP (Production Part Approval Process) to verify that we can and will meet the spec. PPAP is a key procedure within the aerospace and automotive industry. However, PPAP is also widely used in other manufacturing industries to ensure expectations are met, results are of the highest quality, and to ease collaboration between suppliers and customers.

We are also happy for our clients to carry out an audit, visit us on-site, and look around our facility to provide further peace of mind that we will give them the results they are looking for.

Every step of the way, we communicate with our clients consistently to ensure we don’t miss a thing. Our clients are just as much a part of the process as we are, and we are proud to say that we put our customers at the forefront of everything that we do.

We work with a variety of sectors in the manufacturing industry, including:

Automotive & Battery Sector

We work heavily with the battery industry, supplying fibres and powders to energise the sector, and our materials are used to create stronger, longer-lasting batteries by manufacturers. Our experts rigorously test all products in real-life situations to ensure high-quality finished products with maximum performance.

Recently, we partnered with a client from the battery sector to further develop one of their products. Our team are very knowledgeable in the sector, and quickly identified the issues the client was facing to then work with them to help develop the final product. By taking part in this partnership, the client benefitted from being the first to market new and improved technology that’ll provide them with an upper hand in the commercial sector.

Battery product developement

Oil & Gas

In 2020, we partnered with a global oil market solutions company. This client knew exactly what product they wanted but had no concrete specification on what materials they required to achieve their targets. Therefore, Goonvean Fibres stepped in to help trial and test several raw materials and product combinations to ensure they successfully reached those targets.

Goonvean Fibres also have a wealth of experience working with clients who approach us with exact specifications. We were approached by a client who knew exactly what they wanted but didn’t have the knowledge or facilities to produce. So, with their spec, we carried out an intensive product analysis and developed a new and raw material to the client’s exact requirements and to the industry standard, which the client then applied to their development to improve and finalise the end product.  

Our fibre manufacturers have a strong foothold in the cosmetics sector, supplying clients across the globe with materials to manufacture cosmetics like makeup, hair thickening treatments, moisturisers and exfoliants.


We recently assisted a global cosmetics manufacturer who had finalised their product development but needed our assistance with how to mass-produce this product. Goonvean Fibres worked to their exact specification to develop a mass production line according to international standards and the strict requirements of the customer’s quality standards.

Cosmetics product development

These are just some of the many research and development projects Goonvean Fibres have been working on. We welcome new and existing clients who require help with several manufacturing avenues. Whether you need assistance mass-producing a product, testing and trialling, product research and development, or would like a new or existing material developed according to your specification, we are here to help.

Customer satisfaction and product quality goes hand in hand and is at the heart of what we do. So, if you are interested in our assistance or would like to partner with us on a project, why not get in touch?