Eco Fibres and Powders
Below is a list of key raw materials we offer and associated benefits. However this list is not an exhaustive list of materials we manufacture, so if you require a material not shown below please do contact us directly.
We also offer combinations of the following materials in the form of bi-components & composites, again if this is something you require, please contact us directly.

Cotton is a natural fibre that has many other applications other than textiles. It is a less expensive and an eco-friendlier alternative to synthetic materials. Other benefits of cotton include good dye affinity, softness, dimensional stability, strength, good hypoallergenic properties, neutral pH, and high moisture regulation.

Cellulose is a versatile material that is made from regenerated wood, cotton, hemp, and other natural sources. It is strong, durable, anti-static, glossy, easy to dye, and almost impermeable to air, water, bacteria, grease, and oil.

Fruit Stone
Fruits have been used in a variety of applications for thousands of years, from health and beauty to construction. With the growing popularity of clean and natural products, there is more and more demand for natural, plastic-free alternatives to other materials. Fruit stone is a good solution to this need, as it is an inexpensive natural material which uses the discarded waste from fruit production.

Hemp is a renewable plant and its fibres can be used in many commercial applications. It is slow to decompose, keeps its colour, is strong and long-lasting, and has high tear resistance. On top of this, it is also a very strong eco-friendly fibre that doesn’t require insecticides, pesticides, or toxic bleaching. Hemp is also recyclable.

Polylactic acid, or PLA, is a biodegradable thermoplastic polyester which is used in many applications, including for medical uses. It has high glass transition temperatures, good form stability, and good visual transparency. Unlike traditional biodegradable materials, PLA has great chemical, moisture, and thermal resistance, which means that it retains good characteristics in a range of environments. It can also be accurately cut to specific sizes.

Silk is an extremely soft and smooth material which can be used in beauty products, medical applications, and industrial settings. Its benefits include few impurities, low density, high absorbency, and hypoallergenic properties.

Viscose Rayon
Viscose rayon is a versatile material that fibres can be made to imitate the feel and texture of other natural fibres such as silk and wool. It has many benefits, including high lustre and sheen, high moisture absorbency, good volume building abilities, and great dye affinity. It is also made from renewable natural materials and is 100% biodegradable.

Wool is used in a wide range of applications due to its long list of benefits. It is strong and durable, rich in keratin, easy to dye, and has a high density. Wool is also renowned for its excellent moisture retention and ability to hold its charge, making it a popular addition to personal care and beauty products.

Ecofloc (Modified Cellulose Acetate)
Our modified cellulose acetate, Ecofloc, combines the benefits of cellulose with complete biodegradability. Unlike typically biodegradable options, it has improved wet strength, corner strength, thermal stability, and moisture control and absorbance.

Commission Projects
Here at Goonvean Fibres, we know that every application needs something slightly different, whether that’s a different size or length, cut, or type of material.
Although we have a wide range of materials in a variety of sizes and forms, we are happy to take commissions and to provide the best cutting solutions for your individual needs.

Coir is a natural coconut fibre that is becoming increasingly popular in many sectors. It is resistant to saltwater damage, waterproof, and durable. It has naturally good filtration properties and is microporous. It is also eco-friendly and renewable.